Congo Democratic

Congo Democratic

Congo Democratic Phones

+243 - Cell Phone and Mobile Companies
Phones in Congo Democratic +243 CD - Find cell phones in stores and internet companies. Search phone numbers, mobile phones, plans and prices. Phone book guide. Online stores with internet packages.
Country code : +243
International prefix: - 011 -
Democratic Republic of the Congo
To call in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the following format is used:
xxx xxxx Calls within an area code
(+243) y xxx xxxx Calls outside Democratic Republic of the Congo
011 International Direct Dialing code

List of area codes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Area/City - Area Code
Bas-Congo, Bandundu - 3
Kasai-Oriental - 4
Katanga - 2
Kinshasa - 1
Nord-Kivu, Sud-Kivu, Maniema - 6
Province Orientale - 5
General Information and Updated References
Democratic Republic of the Congo or Congo-Kinshasa
ARPTC Autorite de Regulation de la Poste et des Telecommunications du Congo

Mobile Phone Companies

List of cell phone companies in Congo Democratic :
What is the best mobile phone company in Congo Democratic?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Congo Democratic.
These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans.
Mobile phone companies in Congo Democratic offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you.
Congo Democratic - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city.
Yellow Pages
Congo Democratic find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages.
White Pages
Congo Democratic Find address and telephones numbers.
Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages.
Search in Congo Democratic :

Phones in Congo Democratic
- Where to find Phones in Congo Democratic? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Congo Democratic
- List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones
. Find phones in Congo Democratic. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
Mobile Phones
in Congo Democratic. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Congo Democratic Codes
and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Congo Democratic
to locate Phones in Congo Democratic Business Directory. Where to search business in Congo Democratic? Use the list of yellow pages in Congo Democratic to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Congo Democratic.
- How to call to Congo Democratic? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Congo Democratic
to find phone numbers in Congo Democratic. Where to find people in Congo Democratic? How can I find people in Congo Democratic? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Congo Democratic. Where to search Phones in Congo Democratic?
can I find a phone number in Congo Democratic ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
Maps of Congo Democratic - Location and Map of Congo Democratic. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude.
Phones in Congo Democratic - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Congo Democratic. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message.
Africa Congo Democratic 2025
DR Congo conflict: What is the fighting in Goma about?
DRC: 'This is our war, not some distant, irrational outbreak of violence in Africa' Le Monde
After resolutions on Sudan, DRC at African Union summit, analysts urge swift action Voice of America
One Lake, Two Worlds: Jet-Skis in Rwanda. Bodies Ashore in Congo. The New York Times