Tanzania |
Tanzania Phones+255 - Cell Phone and Mobile Companies |
Phones in Tanzania +255 TZ - Find cell phones in stores and internet companies. Search phone numbers, mobile phones, plans and prices. Phone book guide. Online stores with internet packages. Mobitel Tritel Cellnet Vodacom Zantel Adesemi |
Country Code: +255 |
Yellow Pages of Tanzania |
Mobile numbers start with 7 : (cellular mobile)
7 wireless, "Find Me" numbers (was 8). 741 Mobitel [formerly 811]. 742 Tritel [formerly 812]. 743 Cellnet 744 Vodacom 747 Zantel 761 Adesemi [formerly 821]. International Call Prefix : 000 |
Geographic area codes are in the range 20 to 29:
20 [reserved for future geographic numbers] 21 [reserved for future geographic numbers] 22 Dar Es Salaam [local numbers became 6 digit from 5 digit on 1996-03-16; was 51 until 2000-07-01]. 23 Coast region [was 52] 23 Kibaha, Kisarawe area [was 522] 23 Lindi [was 525] 23 Morogoro [was 56] 23 Mtwara [was 59] 23 Pwani [was 52] 24 Zanzibar (Unguja & Pemba, including Chake Chake, Mkoani, Wete) [was 54] 25 Mbeya, Rukwa, Ruvuma [was 65] 26 Dodoma [was 61] 26 Iringa [was 61, previously 64] 26 Nzega area [was 626] 26 Singida [was 606] 26 Tabora [was 62] 27 Arusha [was 57] 27 Kilimanjaro [was 57] 27 Kilimanjaro Airport [was 575] 27 Moshi [was 55] 27 Tanga [was 53] 28 Bukoba, Kagera [was 66] 28 Kigoma [was 695] 28 Mara, Mwanza [was 68] 28 Shinyanga [was 68, previously 671] 29 [reserved for future geographic numbers] |
Special and premium rate numbers
8 special services as of 2001-10-31. 9 premium rate/multimedia as of 2001-10-31. |
Short codes
112 replaced 999 for emergency calls as of 2000-10-31. 118 replaced 991 for directory enquiries as of 2000-10-31. |
General Information and Updated References Telephone numbers in Tanzania |
TCRA Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority |
Until 1999, Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda shared a telephone numbering plan, in which subscribers were only required to dial the trunk code, area code and number. In that year, Tanzania adopted a new numbering plan, although calls to Kenya and Uganda only required a regional prefix rather than international dialling. To call Kenya from Tanzania, subscribers dial 005 instead of +254, while to call Uganda, they dial 006 rather instead of +256. To call Tanzania from Kenya and Uganda, subscribers dial 007 instead of +255. |
Tanzania |
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Teléfonos en Tanzania |
VodacomTigoAirtelHalotelZantelTTCLSmileSmartMyCellSasatel |
Phones in Tanzania
Phones in Tanzania . (255) Find the best mobile phone companies in Tanzania. Search smartphones and unlimited plans. TZ List by company, city, name, number, website and packages with internet services.
Tanzania : Pwani, Dodoma, Iringa, Kigoma, Kilimanjaro, Lindi, Mara, Mbeya, Morogoro, Mtwara, Mwanza, Pemba North, Ruvuma, Shinyanga, Singida, Tabora, Tanga, Kagera, Pemba South, Zanzibar Central, Zanzibar North, Dar es Salaam, Rukwa, Zanzibar Urban, Arusha, ManyaraMobile Phone CompaniesList of cell phone companies in Tanzania : VodacomTigoAirtelHalotelZantelTTCLSmileSmartMyCellSasatel |
What is the best mobile phone company in Tanzania?
Compare the best options in list of mobile phone companies in Tanzania. These companies offer various plans, including unlimited data, family plans, international plans, and prepaid plans. Mobile phone companies in Tanzania offer a wide range of services and plans to meet the needs of consumers. Whether you need unlimited data, a family plan, an international plan or a prepaid plan, there is a mobile phone company that can meet your needs. It is important to compare the different options available to find the plan that is right for you. |
Tanzania 255 - Reverse lookup is a service to find the company or customer by phone number. Find dial codes, country code and mobile phones by company and city. |
Yellow Pages Tanzania find cell phone numbers in mobile phone companies and stores.
TZ Find telephone numbers in the phone book and yellow pages. |
White Pages Tanzania Find address and telephones numbers.
255 Country code for international phone calls, whatsapp and text messages. TZA |
Search in Tanzania :
Tanzania iso2 : TZ iso3 : TZA Country : Tanzania Lat : -6.369028 Long : 34.888822 Population : 59734213 Latitude: -6.369028, Longitude: 34.888822, ISO: Tanzania (TZ) - Population : 59734213 Tanzania ISO : TZ ISO3 : TZA ISO-Numeric : 834 FIPS : TZ Country : Tanzania Capital : Dodoma Area km2 : 945087 Population : 56318348 Continent : AF Internet : .tz Currency Code : TZS Currency Name : Shilling Phone : 255 Languages : sw-TZ,en,ar Geo : 149590 Neighbours countries : MZ,KE,CD,RW,ZM,BI,UG,MW |
Phones in Tanzania - Where to find Phones in Tanzania? Use the category and section to search phone numbers, address, names. Locate an address with the reverse lookup services.
Phone companies in Tanzania - List of phone companies, mobile operators and the telecommunications regulator. Compare telephone companies by country and city.
Search Phones . Find phones in Tanzania. List with telephone companies and phone services by city.
Mobile Phones in Tanzania. Find cell phones in the mobile companies and stores.
Tanzania Codes and prefix by city. List of area codes. Country code for international calls, or sending whatsapp or text messages.
Yellow pages of Tanzania to locate Phones in Tanzania Business Directory. Where to search business in Tanzania? Use the list of yellow pages in Tanzania to find more information. Pages of business and other professional services in Tanzania.
International - How to call to Tanzania? - Dialling Codes by Country, City and State
White pages in Tanzania to find phone numbers in Tanzania. Where to find people in Tanzania? How can I find people in Tanzania? Use the pages with telephone numbers and address to locate people and phone numbers in Tanzania. Where to search Phones in Tanzania?
How can I find a phone number in Tanzania ? Search phones in the phone book and online guide from the mobile companies.
Maps of Tanzania - Location and Map of Tanzania. Coordenates, Latitude, Longitude. |
Phones in Tanzania - Find smartphones in mobile phone companies in Tanzania. Compare prices, plans and packages. Guide with phone numbers and international codes for dialling or send whatsapp message. |